Participation Policy
Purpose Of Policy
1. To provide guidelines for coaches.
2. To provide an understanding of the playing time guidelines for parents so that they can realistically set their expectations and govern themselves appropriately and in accordance to the Parent Code of Conduct Policy at all CVYFL events.
3. To provide parents with a clear path to follow for the resolution of grievance, real or perceived, they may have with a coach’s decisions or actions
Before You Register Your Child
As a parent you must understand that all children mature and develop at different rates. Some children are already built for football and understand the game, while others it may take a little more time. We have seen major turnarounds with players from their 3rd and 4th grade seasons, as compared to their 5th and 6th grade seasons.
The process of learning the game of football happens at practice, not on game day. Furthermore, participation and playing time are not one in the same. Participation in practices and off of the field team events are guaranteed to all players. Playing time in games for any player is not guaranteed and will not be equally divided among players on any team. The coaches are encouraged to play all players on game day, but only if safety is not a concern and the player is ready for live game time action and have attended practice weekly and understand what they are doing.
The Cen Cal Youth Football League (CVYFL) does not have a minimum playing time policy. Furthermore, neither do any of the teams that make up the CVYFL. As a result, the Clovis Clash Youth Football Association does not have a minimum playing time policy. The CVYFL is a competitive league and includes a qualifying playoff bracket capped off with a championship game.
Player Safety Is Priority One
First and foremost, no matter what grade level, player safety is the number one factor in every decision that is made by a coach – including playing time. Football is a true team sport. At all levels, one missed assignment by one player can determine the result of a play or even the outcome of an entire game. A missed assignment by a player due to not yet understanding the positions, techniques, and speed of the game has the potential to result in the injury of the players that do understand it.
Practice Time
It has been requested that all coaches give equal practice time for all players in their assigned position(s) with rotation. However, this is not always possible due to the structure of the game, the stature and abilities of each player, and the goals of the team.
Coaches set their practice schedule and attendance policy. Please be mindful that the more practice time missed will result in your player getting behind with new plays, formations, and terminology. Coaches put in new material as the season progresses. It will be very difficult to tailor a practice around a player who does not show up. It will also be difficult for the coach to be able to play that player on game day if they are not up to speed with the rest of the team. No Practice = No Play
Certain Players Playing Both Offense & Defense
Coaches may have the same players on the starting squad for both the Offense and the Defense. While coaches would ideally like to have the 11 best offensive players and the 11 best defensive players add up to 22 individual players (none playing both ways), this is very seldom the case. The simple fact is some players are going to be better than others on both Offense and Defense. Coaches will always field their best 11 to start each game. In most cases, the coaches will sub players accordingly as the game progresses.
Offense/Defense: They don’t spend the same amount of time on the field
While an offensive player may get equal time on the field as other offensive players, if the offense is not on the field as long as the defense or vice‐versa, the playing time may differ greatly between offensive and defensive players and/or the chance for substitution of other players.
The Playing Time Exception
Should any game score be “in hand” or “out of hand” then each coach should make sure, that every player receives playing time in the game. The score differential for this pivot point is determined by the coaches and may be subjective or different for each game. For example, some games where a team is up by 16 or more points, the lead can be lost in a matter of a few minutes. In other cases, a coach may feel confident enough to insert substitutes in a game that has a close score, but can still secure a win.
If the scoreboard differential is 30 or more points, whether in our favor or not, and a running clock has now started then players who normally do not receive much playing time should be allowed to play their position for the duration of the game. Player safety should always be considered when making these coaching decisions.
What can I do if my player is struggling?
Be coachable: Coaches love players who pay attention, listen, are respectful and follow instructions.
Show up: Have your player be on-time and attend all practices so that they do not get behind. There will be times where your player may miss practice for various reasons. If that is the cases, please let your coaches know in advance.
Ask for help: If you feel that your player is getting behind or that your player is frustrated with the amount of playing time he/she is receiving; please ask your AD to ask Coach what the player needs to work on. The coaches are more than willing to help out.
Get noticed: Remind your player to want to be at the front of the line for every drill. Jog from drill to drill and on and off the field. Go 100% for the entire practice. Encourage your player to ask questions when they do not understand something.
Encourage your player: Encourage your player to want to work to get better. Do not make excuses for him or her. Any negativity you reflect on your player, the coaches, or his team will carry over to the field and will also create a toxic environment for everyone involved. Do not be that parent!
Work at home: Work to get better at drills that are ran at practice when you are home for the weekend. Run through plays and concepts at home, be involved. This is where the true magic happens. Not 6 Hours a week.